Inspire Gallery Show

Inspire Gallery Show

Inspire Gallery Show Inspire Gallery Show and Reception  Our new Inspire exhibit opened November 9 and is open until December 30, 2023.  The Inspire Show is in honor of Cream City Clay’s instructors.  Our instructors help inspire everyone around them through their art...
MKE Fine Craft Studio Tour

MKE Fine Craft Studio Tour

MKE Fine Craft Studio Tour August 10, 2021 Tour fifteen studios in Milwaukee County featuring forty craft artisans.  The MKE Fine Craft Studio Tour is a self-guide event presenting the work of Wisconsin Crafts artists.  At Cream City Clay we will be featuring Liz...
Shop Local

Shop Local

Shop Local November 6, 2020 Shop our gallery to find unique gifts for your family or friends. Choose from functional pottery such as mugs, plates, vases, bowls, ornaments, and angels or decorative pottery such as jewelry, wall tiles, sculpture, or ceramic canvases....